
brown tees

The t-shirts are S$20 each, excluding postage

Ok, we’ve gotten the designs for our first two T-shirts done and we are in production. We’ll be taking orders in two weeks time. In the meantime, those of you who are interested can send us an email and we will let you know when you can order.

The email address is tshirt(at) Subject heading of the email should say “mr brown T-shirts”.

We have created the Tur Kwa T-shirt and the I am Singaporean T-shirt.

For the I am Singaporean T-shirt, we are lazy buggers, so we will leave the message on the back of the T-shirt to you. We even kindly provided blank lines. Just use a permanent marker and write it yourself. Whatever.

Note: you can also use a marker to write anywhere on the Tur Kwa T-shirt — front, back, armpits — it is allowed. It is your T-shirt, and you can write anything you want on it. But we didn’t add lines for this one.

Er, please write your message BEFORE wearing the tee. Not while wearing it. Duh.


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23 responses to “Merchandise!”

  1. My RSSs Mr Brown Rockson Roy Ng Stylemywords Scott Adams RSSMiyagi

  2. Bing Avatar

    hi.. how much would the new t-shirts cost?

    I would like to know before considering my purchase.


  3. Bing Avatar

    hi.. how much would the new t-shirts cost?

    I would like to know before considering my purchase.


  4. daffodils Avatar

    Cost per t-shirt?

    Local or US sizes?

  5. daffodils Avatar

    Cost per t-shirt?

    Local or US sizes?

  6. Lee CY Avatar
    Lee CY

    from what i read on mb’s blog $20 per shirt. I think local size lah. dis one not american tee shirt ok?

  7. Lee CY Avatar
    Lee CY

    from what i read on mb’s blog $20 per shirt. I think local size lah. dis one not american tee shirt ok?

  8. Kevin Avatar

    I too lazy to write lah… can autograph for me? Hopefully you make more money selling Tshirts than you did writing for TODAY 😛

  9. Kevin Avatar

    I too lazy to write lah… can autograph for me? Hopefully you make more money selling Tshirts than you did writing for TODAY 😛

  10. myrick Avatar

    Also want tur kwa. What’s shipping?

  11. myrick Avatar

    Also want tur kwa. What’s shipping?

  12. Trish R Avatar the email working?

  13. Trish R Avatar the email working?

  14. Lincoln Avatar

    Don’t forget cups…. and caps…

  15. Lincoln Avatar

    Don’t forget cups…. and caps…

  16. Girl E Avatar

    Ah Uncles, we wants the Ter Kwas T-shirt (got CCTV versions or nots?). we will writez e-mailz mai kiaz.

    Can we haves also the followings eX ns MEN t shirtz – magneto cornetto anz excuse grass ….if got the hokkien pengz ones the bests. with the wordz blankz outs.

    the best is 4 mirrionz smilez campaignz.

    PS. Me and my boyz have neverz talkz the samez since afterz you and mr brownz had that ^&$*(%* pod castz on sim limz kidz gettingz warez. Just thought you should sufferz itz for onez commentz.

  17. Girl E Avatar

    Ah Uncles, we wants the Ter Kwas T-shirt (got CCTV versions or nots?). we will writez e-mailz mai kiaz.

    Can we haves also the followings eX ns MEN t shirtz – magneto cornetto anz excuse grass ….if got the hokkien pengz ones the bests. with the wordz blankz outs.

    the best is 4 mirrionz smilez campaignz.

    PS. Me and my boyz have neverz talkz the samez since afterz you and mr brownz had that ^&$*(%* pod castz on sim limz kidz gettingz warez. Just thought you should sufferz itz for onez commentz.

  18. Annoymouse Avatar

    Got XXL size or not? I fatter dan de tur the kwa come from.

    Also how to get arh? I now working oversea leh…

  19. Annoymouse Avatar

    Got XXL size or not? I fatter dan de tur the kwa come from.

    Also how to get arh? I now working oversea leh…

  20. agc123 Avatar

    I suggest that “I am Singaporean” in brown colour instaed of red

  21. agc123 Avatar

    I suggest that “I am Singaporean” in brown colour instaed of red

  22. Pat Avatar

    Hmm, I thinking hor National Day ppl usually wear red and white. If all spectators in National stadium wear the “I am Singaporean” shirt during the parade, then it’ll realli be spectacular la!

  23. Pat Avatar

    Hmm, I thinking hor National Day ppl usually wear red and white. If all spectators in National stadium wear the “I am Singaporean” shirt during the parade, then it’ll realli be spectacular la!

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