Month: May 2006
Polling Day
I was part of the 3/4 of the population of this fair country not required to vote today. You’d imagine I’d be ambivalent about the whole thing, and you’d mostly be right. Whatever the outcome, I’m not gonna say things like, ‘You deserve the representatives you vote for’. Instead of mulling over whose gonna lose…
OMG! Top 5!
The Bak Chor Mee Episode has been downloaded 30,000 times I am floored. All because of some unwanted pork liver. But can we just say again, that WE ARE NOT A POLITICAL PODCAST!? And if you really wanted to name us as political podcasters, at least put in our URLs right? See lah! So many…
The Da Vinci Trail: HMS Dreadnought
Now that it’s three weeks out from the release of the movie, the buzz surrounding the Code has been understandably high. (I don’t care – I’m adding to it). I read today that some English judge recently inserted his own secret code (I don’t care if that doesn’t sound right) into one of his judgements,…
TODAY: What’s rally worth blogging about
Netizens get active in their blogs about the election – and even upload rally clips THE Labour Day break made for good (blog) reading, what with the election rallies out in full swing, taking advantage of the long weekend just before Saturday’s polling. But I qualify “good” reading here with blogs. You have to sift…
I went for a coffee break just now, and discovered a little, oft-forgotten quirk in our coffee shops. As I was preparing to pay for my kopi-o, I wasn’t sure if the price had gone up from 50c to 60c or 60c to 70c, so I laid my coins out on the table for the…