Meme time

It’s meme time because Rambling Librarian’s tagged me. It’s called the ‘Best Blog Forward‘ meme, and apparently there’s a prize to be won or something. Not sure. Never read properly. But got prize.

So, here’s my contribution: The most popular (most read) blog post on this blog is a TODAY article titled ‘Living in glass houses‘, and is the most popular because it talks about the Tammy NYP Sex Videophone Video, and you know what? Having used those words, this blog post is going to be quite popular with the search engines as well.

And so, I tag the following bloggers (the latest five incoming technorati links), so that they have a chance at winning some prize:

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13 responses to “Meme time”

  1. Today’s been relatively alright. Discovered this last night. Did you know I was tagged by Mr Miyagi 48 days ago! HAHAHA. So it may be a chance thing. But still. It’s cool okay. HERE Too bad I didn’t happen to read it in time to do that meme. I have been jumping ship, back and forth too often already, it’s making me sea sick. Whoa. *stumbles; dizzy* I need to focus, cos all

  2. ajab booboo Avatar

    Prize? What prize?? Hope it’s not that bronj chicken / peacock / severed hand of Freddy thingy! 😀

  3. ajab booboo Avatar

    Prize? What prize?? Hope it’s not that bronj chicken / peacock / severed hand of Freddy thingy! 😀

  4. Kevin Avatar

    Thanks for joining in Miyagi!

    Reader NapFisk puts it better than me when he said that “the idea is simple but ingenious: find the most popular story on your blog so far, blog the story behind it and tag it. The meme behind it is of course that it is another way of sharing both what identifies you as a blogger and what drives your readership to comment, criticize and, in short, interact.”

    I’ve started this to celebrate my 1000th blog post and I’m providing the first prize which is a $25 Amazon gift certificate. A fellow reader loved the idea and donated a Flickr Pro account as a runner-up prize. Full instructions are on my blog and contest ends this Wednesday 11.59pm EST (or Wednesday 11.59am for Singapore). It’s really my bid to inspire fellow bloggers!

  5. Kevin Avatar

    Thanks for joining in Miyagi!

    Reader NapFisk puts it better than me when he said that “the idea is simple but ingenious: find the most popular story on your blog so far, blog the story behind it and tag it. The meme behind it is of course that it is another way of sharing both what identifies you as a blogger and what drives your readership to comment, criticize and, in short, interact.”

    I’ve started this to celebrate my 1000th blog post and I’m providing the first prize which is a $25 Amazon gift certificate. A fellow reader loved the idea and donated a Flickr Pro account as a runner-up prize. Full instructions are on my blog and contest ends this Wednesday 11.59pm EST (or Wednesday 11.59am for Singapore). It’s really my bid to inspire fellow bloggers!

  6. elsie Avatar

    ooo!! tt’s my fren’s livejournal!!!

  7. elsie Avatar

    ooo!! tt’s my fren’s livejournal!!!

  8. nadnut Avatar

    thanks for tagging 🙂

  9. nadnut Avatar

    thanks for tagging 🙂

  10. […] during lunchtime, i was surfing around and went to check on my stats. imagine my surprise when i found links coming from mrmiyagi… […]

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  12. Alphonse Yu Avatar

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