Chopped frog

Chopped Frog, $2
Sign at acquarium on East Coast Road

I asked if they were cheaper whole, but he wouldn’t entertain me. Maybe they were pre-chopped and bagged already.

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14 responses to “Chopped frog”

  1. My RSSs Mr Brown Rockson Roy Ng Stylemywords Scott Adams RSSMiyagi

  2. Lincoln Avatar

    This might sound like a stupid question to some… what would one do with chopped frogs ?? Feed it to a bigger fishes ?? or cook ??

  3. Lincoln Avatar

    This might sound like a stupid question to some… what would one do with chopped frogs ?? Feed it to a bigger fishes ?? or cook ??

  4. Ah Neh Avatar

    Feed it to bigger fishes yeah…. For example, arrowanas.

    If you own snakes and other carnivorous reptiles, they’d have a wild go at fresh frog too 🙂

  5. Ah Neh Avatar

    Feed it to bigger fishes yeah…. For example, arrowanas.

    If you own snakes and other carnivorous reptiles, they’d have a wild go at fresh frog too 🙂

  6. Athena-Stars Avatar

    erm..i’m just being curious..but what does frogs taste like? have never tried it before..

    am just a passer by here..but heck the curiousity is killing me..ha!

  7. Athena-Stars Avatar

    erm..i’m just being curious..but what does frogs taste like? have never tried it before..

    am just a passer by here..but heck the curiousity is killing me..ha!

  8. Athena-Stars Avatar

    hmm…just being curious cat here..but what does frogs taste like? have never try it before..

  9. Athena-Stars Avatar

    hmm…just being curious cat here..but what does frogs taste like? have never try it before..

  10. meow Avatar

    like chicken

  11. meow Avatar

    like chicken

  12. Hu Chou Avatar
    Hu Chou

    It is aquarium, not acquarium. Please lah! Can you be more careful…you are chopping the frog off without using that thing of yours…

  13. Hu Chou Avatar
    Hu Chou

    It is aquarium, not acquarium. Please lah! Can you be more careful…you are chopping the frog off without using that thing of yours…

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