Year: 2005

  • I waited and waited and waited

    …and in the end, for sale I had to open the door myself iTunes Party Shuffle is playing a copy of Red Slurpee from the album “Away With The Pixies” by Ben Lee Technorati Tags: Singapore, trrd

  • A very engaging week ahead

    For starters, there’s the humongonimous class at 6pm at Bishan Sports Hall on Saturday which NEEDS MORE VOLUNTEERS! Thank you again, Threez! If you like working with kids, and you should, you might want to come down at 5.45pm Saturday and let me tell you what’s required of you. From 6 – 7pm, you’ll enjoy…

  • Copywriters from hell

    Dangerous to drive behind taxis with stupid ads… will laugh until nearly accident

  • Help needed!

    This is the kind of news I like to make! Thank you Threez for the article in today’s Straits Times’ ‘Mind Your Body’ section. The phones have been ringing off the hook, and we’ve been taking names for our special needs gymnastics class on Saturday. Anyone who wants to volunteer to be a coach’s assistant…

  • TODAY: When a company met angry blogger

    In the age of the Internet grapevine, know your stuff before tackling customer complaints on the Web IT HAS been said, and quite often by bloggers, that businesses ignore blogs and online discussion forums at their peril. (Try a Google search with the term “businesses ignore blogs at their peril”, and you will see what…