Year: 2005

  • Channel NewsEarlier & the Blue Screen of Death

    Mornings are never my prime time ‘Wah, damn early, can?’ was my first response when mrbrown informed me that the SWF organisers had scheduled us for CNA’s Prime Time Morning slot to talk about the blogging segment of the festival. It was also my second and third responses. Now, we’re never good morning people (haha,…

  • Help still needed

    This morning, mrbrown and myself are scheduled to be on CNA’s Prime Time Morning show, you know, the early in the morning one where they talk about the stock market and interview analysts from financial firms like Wanker & Stains? We were emailed a series of questions, most of them were quite easy to answer,…

  • Migration

    It’s time. This blog is moving to its own server at Please, please, please, please, please, please update your bookmarks and RSS feeds. Oh, and RSS feed for comments is also available. So cool, hor? Because I still support Blogger and how it got me started so easily, all entries before this post will…

  • Welcome here

    Welcome, welcome, welcome! Thanks for dropping by here. Now bookmark this page, add it to your feeds and then… Sing it wif me! (Agnes Cunningham) (C) – (F) – (G) (C) How can you keep on moving un (F) less you migrate (C) too They tell ya to keep on moving but (G) migrate, you…

  • I waited and waited and waited

    …and in the end, buy I had to open the door myself iTunes Party Shuffle is playing a copy of Red Slurpee from the album “Away With The Pixies” by Ben Lee