Year: 2005

  • Volunteered

    Working the weekend sucks, but at least there was something funny to take out of it. Again I’m also grateful to the volunteers who turned up on Saturday to help at my company’s Special Olympics Gymnastics class at Bishan Sports Hall. You guys are wonderful. Then there were the two other people who were accidentally…

  • Hardware Mag

    HWM September 2005 Blogs are the feature story in this month’s HWM (Hardware Mag, $6.90 incl. GST), and the feature story contains probably the most comprehensive coverage on blogs I’ve seen in local publications. What’s more, local hero Rockson Tan is mentioned too. Speaking of whom, for the last time, I don’t know what he…

  • SWF Videoblog Part VII

    “The privacy rupture”: Download here. (.mov file, treat 1Mb, try 1 min 19 sec). Technorati Tags: corydoctorow, singaporewritersfestival

  • Eat until become Michelin Man

    I used to think Michelin-rated chefs were cooks who worked for racing teams. If you were to dine at The French Stall, you might still think so. Not that the food’s bad, but the cars along Serangoon Road compete with the nearby condo construction site for noise. Actually, Edith Piaf playing on the restaurant’s stereo…

  • SWF Videoblog Part VI

    Cory Doctorow on deciding what to blog: Download here. (.mov file, doctor 1Mb, for sale 1 min 19 sec). Technorati Tags: corydoctorow, singaporewritersfestival, videoblog