Year: 2005

  • Laws of our land Part III(a): Matters sub-judice

    The New Paper: Simply electric! Lordy, this matter has consumed me. But before I go further, there’s one thing that I have to be mindful of when discussing the case. Channelnews Asia called the other night to tell me that the names of the offending websites had been taken down from their news article. I…

  • Not slashdotted lah!

    Welcome Slashdot readers! Or not. I had doubts whether it was the Slashdot effect that made inaccessible. My URL wasn’t even on the main article! It was in the comments! Die lah, like that! Nabeh! I link back to you ah! Slashdot me? So, good thing Wannabe Lawyer told me that it was a…

  • Bloggers, toilets and recycled water

    There’ll be more said today about this. But at least, over at Channelnews Asia, the newscasts on the hour every hour last night were fun(ny) to watch. First, I saw myself speak for 2 seconds. (With the news being repeat broadcast 4 times, that’s 8 whole seconds of air time!) Then I saw the news…

  • Laws of our land Part III: Sedition Act & Racism

    A lot of us (me included, though I’ve suspected for awhile) found out this morning that if you make a racist comment on a forum or a blog and you can be charged under the Sedition Act. In fact, there are a variety of things you could do on your blog that might be construed…

  • Whoa there!

    Only when CNA calls, then I know that two bloggers have been charged with sedition. Update: 10pm: CNA contacted me to tell me the article linked above has been updated so that the websites at issue are no longer mentioned because they are matters at issue in court. As far as I know, you’re not…