Year: 2005

  • Map-o-rama

    Google Earth woulda been da bomb if dey had a Mac version. It’s probably the only time I’d ignore this here Powerbook for an hour or so and go hijack someone else’s PC. And if, like me, you drool over maps and can spend hours poring over them, making landmarks out of contours, then Google…

  • Self-absorption is best absorption

    It is a hard life, being a Blog Star. So many engagements, so little time. It’s a good thing there’s so much money in it, y’know? Else it really would suck, having to cop so much flak from the public. Woe is me, y’know? OK, I go wallow and listen to Nigerian music liao. “This…

  • The crackdown is global

    So, it’s not only in Singapore that we’re feeling the heat. Apparently, London cops are harrassing bloggers too. How, like that? Faster go holiday already lah! You can, er… wake my board… iTunes is playing an illegal copy of Here Comes the Sun from the album “1967-1970 Disc 2” by The Beatles of which I…

  • Curse the cursive

    You shouldn’t use stylo-mylo cursive writing on a lunch menu chalkboard. You know why? Because cannot read! Especially while you’re waiting in line! I nearly ordered a Jack Russell salad. iTunes is playing an illegal copy of Sidney Bechet – Summertime from the podcast “aurgasm :: your favorite music you’ve never heard (#2)” by Sidney…

  • Coming soon

    Thought I’d put some pressure on ourselves so we’d come up with a podcast real soon (yah lah, busy is no excuse lah!): Technorati Tags: mrbrown, podcast, Mr Miyagi, Singapore