Year: 2005
Slow news day?
Never for The New Paper: Technorati Tags: comic life
Take Asians Out To Lunch
Once, when I was living in Sydney, I saw a highway flyover pylon with a piece of graffiti sprayed on that read ‘Asians Out’. A couple of days later, it was reported in the Sydney Morning Herald that that work of graffiti itself had been vandalised, and new spray words had been added to the…
The dawn and dusk of realisation
Even when it’s a busy streak, and you really can’t afford to have anything else occupy the tiniest bit of your mind, little things dawn on you. Like how there seem to be two classes of non-residents in Singapore: Foreign workers – people from overseas who work to contribute to the economy Expatriates – people…
Jail for seditious bloggers
You will be held responsible for what you write. The Straits Times called this evening and asked for a coupla quotes as I set up shop to teach our Friday evening gymnastics classes. I was then told that two of the bloggers charged had been sentenced to custodial sentences (1 month and 3 months 1…
Inciting rage, dissension, and the wrath of some starlets
Yes, I did say this: “Eh, shoot leh, use your phone the video and shoot leh. Hurhurhur.” And next thing you know, mrbrown’s made his first ‘political film‘, a 7-second epic about lunch-time at Raffles Place, starring Chee Soon Juan and a coupla banners. Later at coffee, a friend told us about her encounter with…