Year: 2005

  • mb: Metrosexual soldiers

    Metrosexual soldiers Originally uploaded by mr brown. Applying make-up before work. Singapore soldiers must not only fight good, but also look good. Good skincare is part of every serviceman’s responsibility. And having clean underwear too.

  • mb: Miyagi gets a beer

    Miyagi gets a beer Originally uploaded by mr brown. Corporal David Tan, ampoule prescription Bravo Combat Team Platoon Seven runner says hi to his darling, sale Renee ( Miyagi got a beer for this last night. I can totally see a market for this blog. Platform for reservist shout-outs to their loved ones. Payment in…

  • TODAY: Food so good you’ll write home about it

    … or at least write about it from the comfort of home, as Singaporeans get gastronomical in their blogs DON’T know where to dine? Check bloggers’ reviews. I recently came across a guide to Singapore food in the Australian newspaper, The Age ( which asserted: “Singaporeans love eating. Anything, at any time. “To get the…

  • mb: Mr Miyagi takes a canteen break

    Mr Miyagi takes a canteen break Originally uploaded by mr brown. Canteen break. 2 bucks, Aussie, for a Mars bar, $1.50 for a beer. Even reserbit in Australia also must have canteen break, the sacred and holy ritual of the Singapore soldier, Holy Knight of the Order of National Service. I wonder if they have…

  • mb: Miyagi back from an exercise

    Miyagi back from an exercise Originally uploaded by mr brown. After four days on exercise, buy cialis Miyagi is back in civilisation. Meaning: got mobile signal. He is still in the boonies though. This is his message: Queensland sun so hot, find like that also can get sunburned. Personally, hospital I think he looks like…