Year: 2005

  • Cat herders

    Cat herders

  • Trailer: the mrbrown show 8: Causeway to Kuching

    Finding common ground: Rasa Sayang Eh? In the podcast scheduled for 21 Nov, mrbrown and myself chat with Kenny Sia about his hometown and how traffic lights changed everyone’s lives there. Trailer 4: Kuching got Zouk or not?(.mov file, 17 sec, 600Kb) Subscribe to the mrbrown show here! Technorati Tags:, mr miyagi, mrbrown, podcast,…

  • iZap, uZap, everybardyZap!

    “With uZap, it’s so easy to get in shape. Just zap-zap!” Fiona Xie not included. Blarf people. It’s dangerous enough going to Funan. It’s a disaster for the wallet if you go to Funan with mrbrown and James Seng. Jialat! Sure buy something one! Say hello to my new Zodiac2, from Tapwave. “It’s a defunct…

  • Taking down Army-related posts and pictures

    I am taking down all army-related blog posts and pictures here as well as on Days Were The Those and Flickr, and will be asking for permission to blog and post pictures of my recent Exercise Wallaby trip to Shoalwater Bay, Central Queensland, with my unit, the 433rd Singapore Armoured Regiment. I have also been…

  • TODAY: Pretty girls get slimed all the time

    Are star-designate Dawn Yang’s looks the real deal?   People say fame attracts detractors in hordes. So, it was only a matter of time before blogs started talking about blogger Dawn Yang (, featured in last Wednesday’s The New Paper. Described as a “pan-Asian hybrid in the style of Fiona Xie and Vivian Hsu”, she…