Mr Miyagi takes a canteen break
Originally uploaded by mr brown.
Canteen break. 2 bucks, Aussie, for a Mars bar, $1.50 for a beer.
Even reserbit in Australia also must have canteen break, the sacred and holy ritual of the Singapore soldier, Holy Knight of the Order of National Service. I wonder if they have Bee Hoon with Luncheon meat and Fishcake or not. That was a staple army canteen breakfast for me.
And I don’t see any Strip Mahjong arcade machines either. What kind of army canteen doesn’t have Strip Mahjong arcade machines!! No wonder people say Australia damn ulu leh.
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3 cheers for Foster’s and XXXX!
3 cheers for Foster’s and XXXX!
is miyagi in the pic? no rite? i dun see him anywhere.
but anyway… i duno wad u all talking abt. do they have those arcade machines in sg army canteens?
smth i must say. i like the ‘ARMY’ grey teeshirt!
is miyagi in the pic? no rite? i dun see him anywhere.
but anyway… i duno wad u all talking abt. do they have those arcade machines in sg army canteens?
smth i must say. i like the ‘ARMY’ grey teeshirt!
hmmm. got ninj4 van or not?
hmmm. got ninj4 van or not?
Not all parts of Australia are ulu. Sydney, Melbourne and Gold Coast r not ulu right?
Not all parts of Australia are ulu. Sydney, Melbourne and Gold Coast r not ulu right?
Should be training in the desert. I _don’t_ see a good reason for a foreign army to be conducting exercises in the heart of a city.
Should be training in the desert. I _don’t_ see a good reason for a foreign army to be conducting exercises in the heart of a city.
Probably Shoal Water Bay Training Area… I remember that place.. and yeah, beer is bloody dirt cheap.
Probably Shoal Water Bay Training Area… I remember that place.. and yeah, beer is bloody dirt cheap.
I'm hoping Brisbane and/or the Gold Care are not ulu …. right ?
And Mars bar… yum!