Not slashdotted lah!

Welcome Slashdot readers!

Or not.

I had doubts whether it was the Slashdot effect that made inaccessible. My URL wasn’t even on the main article! It was in the comments! Die lah, like that!

Picture 2
Nabeh! I link back to you ah! Slashdot me?

So, good thing Wannabe Lawyer told me that it was a power failure in L.A. (wah, there also have blackout… I thought only Malaysia) that screwed up the servers. Haiyah, and I got so essited!

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11 responses to “Not slashdotted lah!”

  1. My RSSs Mr Brown Rockson Roy Ng Stylemywords Scott Adams RSSMiyagi

  2. spinnee Avatar

    why didn’t they leave a link ah??

    anyway enjoyed reading ur stuff 🙂 keep up the good work ~

  3. spinnee Avatar

    why didn’t they leave a link ah??

    anyway enjoyed reading ur stuff 🙂 keep up the good work ~

  4. IZ Reloaded Avatar

    You can try to sue the DWP workers who accidentally cut electricity wires in L.A.

  5. IZ Reloaded Avatar

    You can try to sue the DWP workers who accidentally cut electricity wires in L.A.

  6. mb Avatar

    EH! Miyagi! Why you say Malaysia like this? You think you are Xiaxue ah?

  7. mb Avatar

    EH! Miyagi! Why you say Malaysia like this? You think you are Xiaxue ah?

  8. i.Lix Avatar

    Doesn’t matter if it’s slash-dotted. I enjoy ur blog! =)

  9. i.Lix Avatar

    Doesn’t matter if it’s slash-dotted. I enjoy ur blog! =)

  10. Unknown Avatar

    Thank goodness it was “only in LA itself.” Otherwise I would’ve hated no power too. Few months ago, got a call (two days after power outage in my area) asking people to conserve energy by not turning on the air-condition during the afternoon, which is the hottest time during the day. I try to be a good person and save. Sucks tho. Sweating like mad.

  11. Unknown Avatar

    Thank goodness it was “only in LA itself.” Otherwise I would’ve hated no power too. Few months ago, got a call (two days after power outage in my area) asking people to conserve energy by not turning on the air-condition during the afternoon, which is the hottest time during the day. I try to be a good person and save. Sucks tho. Sweating like mad.

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