Month: March 2005
Laws of our land Part II: Stateless in Singapore
I like telling my friends about how I wasn’t a Singapore citizen until I was ten. Because they’d ask me, ‘Oh really, so where were you born?’ And I’d say ‘Singapore’. And they’d ask, ‘but how come you weren’t a citizen? What nationality were you then?’ No nationality! Stateless!, I’d say, real proud of my…
The leaves have lost hold of the branches as always
Corner of Barker and Dunearn Roads this morning. And leaves us with gold and wine coloured pathways Corner of Dunearn and Barker Roads Originally uploaded by Mr Miyagi.
Looking through my coin collection
There are days when being self-employed is not what it’s cut out to be. Your own time – very little; Your own money – very little. Yup, it’s time to dig out coins from under the sofa cushions again (not a very good haul, I might add, because spring cleaning was only recently). But at…
Too good to pass up
The other day I was telling my friends and anyone else who would listen that I did not speak English till I was five, much less write. But look me now! I are blog in English! So, don’t knock the little ones who are struggling a bit, because one fine day, they might very well…
Nowhere near good enough
I always say, if there’s a need to backpedal, then do it all the way. No point trying to save face, or ngeh ngeh try to convince yourself that your decision was somewhat right: Dear Reader We have received emails and phone calls from many of you on our subscription plan for The Straits Times…