Month: March 2005
Dam the barrage
For a slow Monday morning: Some computer program says Mr Miyagi writes this blog like a pop-novelist. Nabeh, I high-brow ok? The folks at have given several blogs a whirl on the machine, and have given them some sort of ranking. I dunno how those rankings work. A bit like how NUS is the…
Sunday surfin’
Because both Mandrake and Cowboy are openly smitten by Lynn’s scintillating manner of writing, I shan’t be shy about it either. In her latest post, which seems to be the first in a series, she talks about what really happens in the hallowed residential halls of NUS (National U-Nair-Study of Singapore). I believe sex will…
Better have the handsfree attached when Steph Song calls
Cowboy Caleb sez ‘be consistent in your content’ or something or other. And while I hardly ever apologize for the content of this glob, I’ve been told that the very thing that draws people here is the fact that I drop names and pictures of famous people (even Cowboy’s taken to this, though I think…
I’m too sexy for my blog: national coverage
This morning, Xiaxue told me that I had been called a ‘pervert’ on a national newspaper, and I knew the ‘sexyblogger’ gag had reached heights unprecendented for any Singaporean online stunt. But there are some technical problems with flickr at the moment, and pictures tagged with ‘sexyblogger’ aren’t appearing properly. But donch worry, all is…
Welcome to the A-Star red State
There will be people who find the above image highly offensive and insensitive. Well. We can amend it a little and call it the A-Star patch. We might as well tattoo HIV positive Singaporeans. Or since we’re such a connected city, we’ll put some chip in ’em, or something. Tourists and visitors who are HIV…