For a slow Monday morning:
Some computer program says Mr Miyagi writes this blog like a pop-novelist. Nabeh, I high-brow ok?
The folks at have given several blogs a whirl on the machine, and have given them some sort of ranking. I dunno how those rankings work. A bit like how NUS is the 18th ranked uni in the wurl.
You will find this totally unrelated, but it’s funny how there are so many things one doesn’t notice about Singapore until one’s friend comes back from overseas, and asks, ‘what on earth is a marina barrage?’, and one tells them, ‘erm, is like a dam, to catch water, pump seawater out, make it freshwater, and people can play watersports’.
That was my best paraphrase of all the CNA reports about the barrage.
Then she asked more pressing questions, like, ‘Do you remember them ever mentioning anything about a barrage? How come all of a sudden got barrage? How come no discussion, no debate, nothing?’
My best analysis about why it was like that was, ‘Cos it’s not like it’s a casino or the gays cause aids issue, so it doesn’t concern us socially, so no need to ask who got awarded the tender to design and build the thing lah, who runs the thing lah, y’know?’
Then my friend took out her camera to show me really nice pictures of the places she’s visited on her long stint abroad.
More scintillating manner of writing, can?
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