Scrabble this!

iTunes’ party shuffle is playing: If We Never Meet Again – KD Lang/Tony Bennett – A Wonderful World

If I weren’t self-employed, I’d be blogging about how nasty work is, how I work with idiots, and how my bosses couldn’t tell a marketing plan from a block of flats.

But I don’t have the privilege of being in that situation, so I can’t blog about it. Instead, I’ll yabber on about how I enjoyed an extremely hedonistic weekend that was so unrelenting I had to neglect writing entries here for two whole days.

There is a tinge of guilt as I write this. The wife languished at home over the weekend while I went out and partied, spent an inordinate amount of time with one particular girl, got drunk, danced till my kneecaps swelled, and then spent Sunday arvo recovering on Orchard Road playing Scrabble with the same said girl.

A friend asked why I was rubbing my knees,

‘Heh, why pain ah? Carpet burn ah?’.

‘Went clubbing lah’.

‘Yeah, right’.

I don’t know if it’s a good or bad thing if my friends would rather believe I was having sex more than they’d believe I went clubbing.

Coffee Bean, Tea Leaf and Scrabble set

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16 responses to “Scrabble this!”

  1. Cowboy Caleb Avatar

    this girl, you be dating her – yes????

    Why do you play scrabble with her? I bet you beat her hands down, bums up.

  2. Cowboy Caleb Avatar

    this girl, you be dating her – yes????

    Why do you play scrabble with her? I bet you beat her hands down, bums up.

  3. Mr Miyagi Avatar

    I’ve lost every single game I’ve played so far. And no, I am not be dating her. Things are never as they seem, nor should be.

  4. Mr Miyagi Avatar

    I’ve lost every single game I’ve played so far. And no, I am not be dating her. Things are never as they seem, nor should be.

  5. cour marly Avatar

    Is that a cup of Sunrise I see? Mmmm….

  6. cour marly Avatar

    Is that a cup of Sunrise I see? Mmmm….

  7. powerpuff Avatar

    is your ‘wife’ really your real wife/gf?

  8. powerpuff Avatar

    sunrise is my fav too

  9. powerpuff Avatar

    is your ‘wife’ really your real wife/gf?

  10. powerpuff Avatar

    sunrise is my fav too

  11. Mr Miyagi Avatar

    Yes, that is a Sunrise. Kids’ Edition.
    And why shouldn’t the wife really be my wife? How rude.

  12. Mr Miyagi Avatar

    Yes, that is a Sunrise. Kids’ Edition.
    And why shouldn’t the wife really be my wife? How rude.

  13. Mezz Avatar

    It’s an extremely open relationship, powerpuff. *wink* It makes life a whole lot easier….

  14. Mezz Avatar

    It’s an extremely open relationship, powerpuff. *wink* It makes life a whole lot easier….

  15. Anonymous Avatar

    I can never find anyone to play scrabble with me except for the yahoo online version.

  16. Anonymous Avatar

    I can never find anyone to play scrabble with me except for the yahoo online version.

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