R.I.P. Ronald Reagan.
Though what I remember of the Reagan years are sketchy and informed mostly through this funny British show featuring puppet caricatures of various political figures and celebrities called “Spitting Image“, notably, episodes which contained the series called “The President’s Brain Is Missing”.
Of course, there was the assassination attempt he survived in 1981, mostly because he was only shot in the armpit by Jodie Foster’s stalker.
In other news today, and I suspect, in an attempt by the editors of The Straits Times to drum up some response (every day is a slow news day in Singapore), there was a feature in Sunday Lifestyle about how American Born Chinese (ABC) men were more attractive than the local species. This is the second of several parts in the series “Foreigners are Stealing Our Women”, written by lonely, single and bitter female journalists. (Speaking of which, have you noticed the lack of good looking female journalists? No TV face? try radio; no radio voice? try print press! Hahahahaha!)
A friend, Garrett Hoo (Let The Dogs Out) was featured as one of the American Chinese Hunks (ACH), and about whom I have no qualms revealing details now, seeing as he was desperate enough to seek publicity through such a dumb forum. Hoo, “32 years old, 1.8m, 80kg”, “quit his well paying job as an aeronautical engineer to pursue an acting career in Los Angeles. He decided to seek his fortune in Singapore in 2001”.
I honestly have no response to this issue (no, rooolly!), if it were one, except that it’ll make a good topic of conversation when my troo bloo Singaporean platoon mates meet up year-end for our in-camp reservist training.
And I’m just hoping for Hoo’s sake that he doesn’t get jumped by a dozen angry Ah Bengs whose girlfriends have been abducted by ABC UFOs.
Garrett, if you’re reading this, I’m just doing you a favour. Remember you said “any publicity is good publicity”? Well, here ’tis! Don’t say I neber helping you, Sahib! Besides, I didn’t reveal your real age.
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