Insomniacs Anonymous. Open 24hrs

iTunes is playing: Beyond the Sea – Bobby Darin – A Life Less Ordinary

It’s been a very, very long work day, and I am very, very exhausted. I will sleep soon. But I will wake up after two hours. Such is my plight. (Alamak, punctuated like George W. Bush’s speech pattern).

It’s not that I am defeatist about my affliction. It is chronic, and there’s little I can do about it. I have only the respite that my habitual Sunday afternoon nap affords me, and I really look forward to that.

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7 responses to “Insomniacs Anonymous. Open 24hrs”

  1. My RSSs Mr Brown Rockson Roy Ng Stylemywords Scott Adams RSSMiyagi

  2. Lost In Transition Avatar

    Yer not alone in the cruel world of insomnia…;)

  3. Lost In Transition Avatar

    Yer not alone in the cruel world of insomnia…;)

  4. Anonymous Avatar


    I’m so burnt from lack of sleep (3 hours in 4 days)I don’t know if I’m in a chat room – or submitting to a message board.

    Where are you supposted to say “hello” to someone???


  5. Anonymous Avatar


    I’m so burnt from lack of sleep (3 hours in 4 days)I don’t know if I’m in a chat room – or submitting to a message board.

    Where are you supposted to say “hello” to someone???


  6. Anonymous Avatar

    I cannot sleep. There is too much on my mind, thinking. when school starts im dead without sleep. but hey maybe i will get bored and do homework instead nothing…

  7. Anonymous Avatar

    I cannot sleep. There is too much on my mind, thinking. when school starts im dead without sleep. but hey maybe i will get bored and do homework instead nothing…

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