Another new toy to add to your blog

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This Audioblogger’s pretty useful when you’re in the shower with your mobile phone, or the driving’s getting boring or you want to showcase your road rage, or simply can’t be bothered to type. You’d think there’d be limited possibilities given that you’re not likely (or at least I’m not likely) to be far from a connected computer terminal / PDA / GPRS / hotspot, but when you’re bored, you’re bored, and very likely to muck around like I do. Hell, I was so bored just now, I went to the 7-11 to get a HWM magazine (porn for not-so-techies) and some munchies even though I was sleepy and not very hungry.

Only drawback (for now) is that it’s a U.S. number you have to call to record your blog, but I reckon there are enough Blogger bloggers here for them to set up a local one soon. Oh ya, and it’s free apart from long distance charges. Speaking of which, if you’re in Singapore, you might wanna check out Phoenix Comms for cheap IDD rates. 5 cents a minute to the US!

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5 responses to “Another new toy to add to your blog”

  1. My RSSs Mr Brown Rockson Roy Ng Stylemywords Scott Adams RSSMiyagi

  2. Cowboy Caleb Avatar

    It’s pretty cheap to call the states now. How long can one yammer on to blog it?

    And besides nobody would be mad enough to do it often.

  3. Cowboy Caleb Avatar

    It’s pretty cheap to call the states now. How long can one yammer on to blog it?

    And besides nobody would be mad enough to do it often.

  4. Mr Miyagi Avatar

    I think each entry can be five minutes long.

  5. Mr Miyagi Avatar

    I think each entry can be five minutes long.

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