Category: Parenting

  • Baby UnFair

    They say becoming a parent makes you do things you never thought yourself capable of. Like driving miles to Singapore Expo, parking illegally anyhowly, and then joining the first hour crowds at the Mother and Baby Babycare Festival 2009. If you’re in two minds about checking it out, let me take one mind off you…

  • Kitting out baby

    I’ve not been too busy to blog, and I blame Twitter. Even then, I’ve not been twittering properly either. But with that out of the way, we have been busy getting the house ready for our still nameless baby, who arrives in 7 weeks. We’ve been shopping around but not necessarily buying, and putting things…

  • Naming rights (and wrongs)

    It’s getting late in the game, and we’re no closer to settling on any name for our baby. It also doesn’t help that my surname (Lee) is not a very friendly name to pair with. An old schoolmate has suggested a very memorable Righteous Valentine Lee. We are not considering it, although you have to…

  • Pregnancy tickers

    I’m test-driving pregnancy tickers for your benefit. Here’s my favourite from You make your own ticker/countdown graphic by entering due dates and/or LMP, choose the background and the colour (yes) of your baby. I’ve approximated the colour of ours as close as possible, but he’s not Ang Moh ok?

  • Underworld childbirth

    Yesterday we congratulated our friends Mika and Gary because they’re brand new parents to a brand new baby boy, and we went and visited them at KKH just a couple of hours after she’d returned to the ward and enjoyed her first couple of hours of motherhood. It was a happy afternoon all round, and…