Cross dressing bank robber thwarted

Cross dressing bank robber
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It’s a crime wave! I mean, when was the last time we heard about an attempted bank robbery?
I don’t know why, but this paragraph was especially funny to me:

According to a CISCO guard who pinned down the suspect, he already knew that something was wrong when the suspect entered the bank. He said the suspect was acting very suspiciously. Furthermore, he was wearing ladies clothes.

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3 responses to “Cross dressing bank robber thwarted”

  1. Dedrick Avatar

    Damn it! Where's VR Man when you need him?

  2. MillerLovah Avatar

    i gotta say, BEAT THAT!

    This kinda news is so not SINGAPOREAN, Talk about creating a buzz. Thankfully no one was hurt but i wonder, was Prison Break one of his inspiration?

    Cause he better have some blueprints under that cross dressing atire to break him out,. Atop that, he better be the civil engineer that contructed the prison he'll be staying in for a long time!

  3. johnrhawkins1971 Avatar

    When New York magazine proclaimed eating goat a “trendlet” last summer, one reader wrote on the magazine’s Web site, “Here are white people again!!!! Acting like they invented goat meat.

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